Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Silk Road

The Silk Road was a series of land and also sea routes that connected Central Asia to East Asia. These routes were localized meaning many trades took place throughout the entire road, it was rare for one to travel the entire length of the Silk Road because it was also very dangerous. The Silk Road is a prime example of cross-cultural contact in our world's history. Cental Asia and East Asia both had their own cultural tradiations and own beliefs but because of the Silk Road much of these cultral beliefs were spread throughout the entire region. Products, realgions, trades, and ideas arouse from the use of the Silk Road. The picture below shows the path of the Silk Road along with certain ideas, and products that were traded between cultures.

I feel that even today each society, encluding America, has their own "Silk Road." Meaning that countries have their own way of spreading different ideas and trends throughout the country. For example, California is usually the first one to adpot new styles and eventually it migrates east and in time the majority of the country has now adapted this new style. Although, America does not have a distinct pathway for these trends it just seems to travel east with word of mouth.

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