Thursday, November 5, 2009

St. Paul and The Spread of Christianity

During class we discussed the beginning of Christianity. St. Paul was responsible for much of the spread of this religion throughout the eastern Mediterranean. But today, Christianity is one of the most practiced religions. The start of St. Paul's journey begun when a fellow friend introduced him to Jesus and invited him to work at his side. St. Paul then went around the area and taught others one primate phrase, "The Lord is our God, one Lord." By this saying it gave the people around him a completely different approach to Christianity. The Romans at this time were mad because people were beginning to believe this phrase and were no longer praising their gods. Paul was very determined and knew that God was calling out to all people. It was unlikely that Paul really knew Jesus but his teachings were mostly focused on the fact that Jesus was resurrected and would soon return.

If it was not for St. Paul the world would not know about Jesus or Christianity. Today Christianity is the number one religion practiced, followed by Islam. St. Paul also wrote more than half of the New Testament. His hard work and teachings had a major impact on the world even today. His ideas and preachings gave the society a whole different approach to religion. Today in some churches St. Paul is prayed to and still being praised for his work. This website is one of the prayers for St. Paul.

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